The Qur’an and the coming civilization

The Qur’an and the coming civilization

The Qur’an is a linguistic text that we can describe as representing in the history of Arab culture a pivotal text.

It is not simplistic to describe the Arab-Islamic civilization as the civilization of the text. In the sense that it is a civilization whose sciences and culture were founded on a basis in which the center of the text cannot be ignored. This does not mean that the text alone is responsible for creating that civilization, for a text alone does not create a civilization and does not establish sciences and culture.

What creates civilization and established culture is human’s dialectical engagement with his environment on the one hand, and his dialectical engagement with the text on the other.

It is human interaction with reality and his dialectical engagement with it – with all its economic, social, political, and cultural structures that are part of his reality – that creates civilization. The Qur’an has a fundamental role in our future civilization that cannot be ignored in shaping the features of this civilization.